Here are some true stories from Preschool Teachers:
A young boy walked up to me, pulled open his shorts and said, “Look, he’s happy!”
While we were doing show and tell I noticed that most of the children were wearing the color red so I decided to have each one point out what red item they were wearing. When we arrived at a young boy who did not appear to be wearing red I suggested he point to something red in the room. He stood up and pulled down his pants to display his red underwear!
For letter ‘S’ show and tell one young boy brought a dirty sock in a plastic sandwich bag.
I forgot one of the children’s mother’s names so I was trying to get him to tell me her name. I asked him, “What’s your Mom’s name?” He replied, “Mommy”. I tried again, “What does your Daddy call her?” He thought for a moment and then answered, “Honey”!
When we were teaching the children their parent’s names, one little boy said he had a new step-mom. I asked him what her name was. He answered, “Dad calls her Whitney, but Mama calls her a B#%@.”
For letter ‘C’ show and tell a young boy brought a lime. He told everyone that is was a green fruit. I agreed but then asked, “but why did you bring it in for the letter ‘C’?” He answered, “Because Mommy puts it in her Corona!”
Every Friday we send the children’s sheets for their nap cots home for the parent’s to wash. Monday morning, as we were spreading out the sheets, a pair of Mom’s pink panties fell out. This is a good advertisement for using fabric softener!
One little girl came in and promptly told me that her Mother drinks and drives. This seemed surprising to me, knowing her mother, so I asked her some questions to get more information out of her. “How often does she do this?” I asked. “Every day on the way to school. She puts her coffee in a big mug and then she drinks it while she is driving. That’s not safe!” The child answered.
There was a bird, car, elephant and tree on a worksheet. The children were supposed to circle which one didn’t belong. All but one of the children circled the car, explaining that it was not alive. I asked the little boy why he circled the bird. He said, “The bird doesn’t have a trunk.”
I asked my class to draw a picture of something that had to do with Christmas. One little boy, who often tried to get out of doing his schoolwork, wasn’t drawing. I asked him why, and he answered that he was Jewish. I happen to know that he is Christian. I suggested he draw a picture of something that had to do with Hanukkah. He said, “Who is he?”