In regards to children
Homeschooling - I think if parents are able to homeschool their children then they should go for it. Homeschooling is definitely not for everyone. I do believe it is a better option than public schools these days. I am blessed to be able to homeschool my daughter!
Screen-time - I'm okay with screen-time sometimes but it's easy to overdo. I'm an addict so I can play games on my phone or watch episodes on netflix for hours so I recognize the importance of limiting our time on our devices. Real-life is far more interesting and exciting anyway.
Vaccines - I vaccinated my daughter, I vaccinate myself. I don't think anyone should be forced to vaccinate themselves or their children. My daughter and I had the flu shot this past year and got really sick with the flu so I'm not that in to that one!
Abortion - I don't believe in killing babies inside the mother. I don't think the mother has the right to end the life of her child. When someone's choice includes murder I don't think they should have that right and not be punished.
Death penalty - I think in some cases, where there is no doubt that a person committed an awful crime such as a mass murder, the death penalty is appropriate. It is far better to send that person to the ultimate judge than to use our taxes to keep them living comfortably in the state prison.
Guns - If you want to protect yourself from someone with a gun you need a gun. Gun-free zones are murder zones. They don't keep criminals away, they just keep good, honest people from carrying guns in the zones. I feel the same about gun restrictions. Criminals rarely get guns legally. Making it harder to purchase a gun only hurts the good, honest people who purchase guns legally.
Government Size - The larger the government the fewer our rights and freedom.
Illegal Aliens - They entered the country illegally. This is a crime for which they should be punished. Believing that people should enter the country legally does not make me a racist.
Creating Jobs - The government should not be creating jobs, they should be trying to figure out how to get us out of debt not be creating more.
Welfare - The welfare system is seriously flawed. It gives with no requirement for return. When people get something for free it does not inspire them to do for themselves, instead it makes them dependent on the system. The welfare system also rewards single parents and women with lots of kids by giving them more or making it impossible for married couples to receive assistance.
The Environment
Greenhouse Effect and global warming - I don't know if I believe in this whole Greenhouse Effect and all that. I do know that we are affecting the Earth in negative ways and we should think about where we live and taking care of it.
Climate Change - I don't really think there's anything we could do to affect the climate of the Earth. I think that the weather is cyclical and that it is always changing. It's not getting hotter or colder based on whatever we do.
Recycling - I am 100% for recycling! There is no reason that piles and piles of junk should be sitting in landfills when it could be recycled or reused. It is disgusting how much we throw away!
Religious Issues
My Affiliation - I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My religious background is complex and if you'd like to learn more about my story click here.
Same-sex marriage - I am against same-sex marriage. Heavenly father created man and woman to be helpmeets to one another and told them to go forth and multiply. Anything but one man and one woman is unnatural and unintended by God.
Premarital sex - I believe sex should be saved for after marriage. This being said, I did not always believe this and didn't grow up with this idea. I have many regrets and hope that I can protect my daughter from such things.
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