Monday, June 17, 2019

Happy Father's Day!

How Father's Can Use the Priesthood
to Bless Their Families
Church Talk - 6/16/2019 - Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all of the Dads out there. In a world where fathers are looked on as lesser or even unnecessary and being a man in general is politically incorrect, let's take a moment to remember that Heavenly Father made man and woman and he combined them for a reason, that children who grow up with both parents in the home have a better chance at a stable future and that the God that we worship is our Heavenly Father. Just think about it, of all the many titles that are given to God, Jesus teaches us to call him our Heavenly Father. Surely, father and mother are sacred terms that are eternally connected. Faithful and obedient fathers are preparing their families to be together for eternity.

A father's most important job in these days is to help his wife to create a home that is a haven from the storms of the world. Ezra Taft Benson and his wife worked together to create a home where their children could grow and learn - and where the children wanted to be. One of their sons said, I would have rather been home than anywhere. It was a refuge from the storm. Mother was the protective element and Dad was there with his strength." As Satan and the world fight against the unit of the family we, as members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, must stand up for the unit of the family and not allow the world to break the bonds between a man and a woman as husband and wife and father and mother. Our homes should be a fortress against the evils of the world. Keeping out evil in the forms of the media, news, radio, television, Internet and all other sources that Satan may use to sneak in to our homes.

Just for fun, I researched fathers in the animal kingdom and came up with some pretty interesting facts:
  1. First, one of the most famous animal dads is the male lion. Did you know that while the females are out hunting he babysits the kids? He is also the protector of the pride, always fighting off danger.
  2. The male gorilla is in charge of protecting his family but he is also the one who leads them to food, and he makes sure that Mom gets to eat first before the children join in. He teaches young males how to lead their own family and settles any arguments between siblings.
  3. A red fox father delivers food to mom and the cubs in the den for the first few months. Then he practises some tough love by making the kids come out and find their own meals. He gives them a helping paw, however, by burying food outside the den so that the cubs learn to find it themselves.
  4. A golden lion tamarind carries its infant on its back most of the time, only handing the young monkey over to Mom to nurse. Then, when his baby is ready for something more than milk, he smashes bananas to make baby food for his little primate.
  5. Male flamingos mate for life, help mom find a nesting spot, build the nest and share the duties of sitting on the egg and feeding the chick.
So we learn from the animal kingdom that fathers protect and provide for the family, watch the kids when mom's away, makes sure his wife is taken care of first so that she can take care of the children, teaches his children how to become responsible adults, settles arguments, and practises tough love in order to prepare his children for the future.

According to the Family Proclamation, "Marriage between man and woman is essential to [Heavenly Father's] eternal plan. Children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, and to be reared by a father and a mother...." Husband and wife must work together in an equal partnership in order to maintain a successful home with thriving children. An equal partnership does not mean that a husband and wife perform the same duties. Husbands and wives are equal but different. In a perfect partnership one partner's strengths are the other partner's weaknesses and vice versa. For example, my husband is a hard worker with a strong work ethic. He drives an hour one way to work and spends at least 9 hours sitting through boring meetings or listening to people complain about how their phones and computers aren't doing what they want them to do. Whenever I find myself becoming irritated that he doesn't help with the dishes or pick up his socks I remind myself of this fact. He is the provider of our family and I am grateful that because of his hard work I am able to stay home with our daughter to homeschool her.

The proclamation also states that "by divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families." To preside actually means to guide. Fathers must guide their families with patience and love. To preside is not to control but to lead, and the best way to lead is by example. Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, says that the father is the head of the wife (family) as Jesus is the head of the Church. Jesus presided with the ultimate patience and love. He taught with wisdom, knowing and loving each of his followers individually and giving them what they needed. Doctrine and Covenants 121 is clear on hos a father should use the Priesthood to lead his family, "No power or influence can or ought to be maintained by virtue of the priesthood, only by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned; by kindness, and pure knowledge, which shall greatly enlarge the soul without hypocrisy, and without guile..." The saying, 'do as I say, not as I do' should not be a father's motto. A child learns by seeing far more often than they learn by what they hear.

The 'Duties and Blessings of the Priesthood Manual' states that a father's job consists of a basic component which includes providing for the family's physical needs, fulfilling family members needs for love, boosting self esteem, teaching the purpose of life by sharing the gospel, demonstrating work ethic and self-discipline.

A father's job also consists of a spiritual component which includes performing appropriate priesthood ordinances. There are many examples in the scriptures of fathers that performed these spiritual duties for their family, some of them include:
  • Conducting personal interviews with children like Alma the Younger did when he called each of his children to him to give each of them counsel and a blessing, making sure that they knew the commandments and reminding them to walk in righteousness. Alma even chastises on of his sons who strayed from the path of righteousness and gives him advice on how to return to the straight and narrow path.
  • Giving blessings of comfort or administering to sick family members which began with the first father Adam when he blessed his children and administered unto them.
  • Receiving revelation and inspiration for the family just like Noah did when he was called upon to build the Ark that would save his family from the flood, or Lehi, who was given the vision of the destruction of Jerusalem and told to take his family into the wilderness and then on to the promised land of the Americas.
  • Holding family prayers and family home evening just as Jesus instructed in 3 Nephi Chapter 18 to "pray in your families unto the Father, always in my name, that your wives and your children may be blessed."
  • Orchestrating the reading and teaching of Scripture, including the 'Come Follow Me' program just like King Benjamin when he caused that his sons should be taught the words of the prophets that they might understand the words delivered by the Lord.
  • Encouraging family members to participate in missionary work, family history research and temple ordinances the way that King Mosiah did when his sons came to him wanting to share the gospel with the Lamanites, for he first went and asked the Lord if this was His will and was then given the promise that his sons would be safe and successful. Following that promise King Mosiah was happy to grant his sons' request to go on a mission.
  • Being a good example and keeping the commandments like Nephi who suffered at the hands of his brothers and yet never retaliated, always was faithful in following the commandments and honoring his father and mother.
  • Creating a feeling of love and understanding in the home much like Nephi who was always looking out for his family, making sure that he had the records that he could pass down to his children, removing them from danger when his brothers threatened their lives, teaching them the commandments, helping them to prosper wherever they were and preparing them for the future.
A word to childrenless fathers. You may not have biological children in this life but that does not make you any less of a father figure. There are children who look up to you, whether you know it or not. Any man is a role model for the youth around him. Many children are starved for male attention and will latch on to any such attention. Unfortunately, this is what makes gangs so popular today and why so many children are succumbing to peer pressure. Instead, we need the men of this Church to be positive male role models, to show the youth what a good man looks like. Be involved in the lives of the children around you and bless them with the possibility of a better future by your example.

And now a word to fatherless children. You may not have a father in your life but you have many good men in this Church that can influence you for good. You have uncles, grandfathers, primary teachers, youth leaders, and other good men that are nearby. Allow them to teach you, take advantage of their knowledge and attention. Accept their blessings and affection. Know that you are loved by a perfect Heavenly Father who knows you and provides you with what you need.

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