Sunday, December 17, 2017

Kinka - Our First Farm Animal

Kinka is our new kitten.  She is about 6 months old.  She was the very last of two kittens born to my Aunt's 18 year old barn cat before she disappeared.  She has six toes on all four feet and a kinked tail that looks like a paperclip.  We love her!

There are many more animals to come.  We plan to get baby goats and chickens in the Spring.  We'll also start looking for horses in the Summer.  Then, who knows? There is talk of a calf and/or rabbit the following year.

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First Blog Post

We recently moved from the city to an 1880's farmhouse on 8 acres off of a two-lane dirt road.  My daughter turned 6 at the end of Novem...