Thursday, December 21, 2017

Nativity Collection

I have a decent Nativity collection.  These are most of them, but since we moved this Fall some of the boxes with my Nativities have not yet been unpacked, including the two my Mother brought back from Italy for me. This was one of my first Nativities and is one of those inexpensive ones where all of the characters are glued down in the stable.

This one was recovered from a hoarder's house. I thought it was beautiful and it has a music box.

My daughter picked this one out at a resale shop. It is metal and plastic so I often let her play with it.

We bought this one at Bronner's Christmas Store in Northern Michigan last year.

This is one of my daughter's favorites. Nativity window clings from the Dollar Tree!

This is our Little People Advent Calendar.  My daughter loves taking the characters out of their pouches every day and placing them in the scene around the stable.

This is another one from the hoarder's house.

My husband bought this one for me to replace the one our dog ate. My friend had bought me the small wooden nativity from Belize while on a mission trip. 😢

These figures were given to my daughter from a member of our Church.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful collection!! They all so different and special in their own way!! Jesus is the reason for this amazing season!!


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