Tuesday, October 30, 2018

America That I Know and Love

If you live in a country where you're afraid to show your support for conservative values like pro-life, freedom of religion and marriage being only between a man and a woman because you're worried you'll be attacked, then you may be in America!
That is not the America that I know and love! The America that I know and love has freedom of speech and religion llin her Constitution. America was meant to be a place where every human has rights, whether born or Unborn. America was designed so that every citizen could protect themselves and their families. America's laws were founded on freedom, Liberty and the right not to be in fear for our lives!

There are certain people in the Democratic and liberal parties that are acting more like terrorists against us conservatives and Republicans. They are trying to silence the conservative voice  by using mob tactics and fear techniques. They are using the media to lie to the General Public.

When a man can't walk into a restaurant with a "Make America Great" hat on without being attacked or a woman can't put a Trump sign in her yard without it being destroyed and her life threatened then we have surely lost the America that was meant to be! And unfortunately there are countless examples of this kind of behavior that mainstream media is not reporting. When only one party is playing by the rules American citizens lose!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


I'm not even sure what to say about this. I'll let you make your own commentaries... 

Monday, September 17, 2018


I love autumn! I can smell and feel the crispness in the air. The leaves are just beginning to turn. Apples and pears are in their season and pumpkins adorn vines in gardens. Everything pumpkin, apple and cinnamon starts to hit the store shelves. I light my fall candles and fill my home with the scents of fall. The kids are back to school and we're back to a normal routine. Signs of corn mazes and haunted forests start popping up along the main roads. The color purple is in season! I think Fall is my favorite season. But I say each season is my favorite when we're in the beginning. I think mostly it's just the change of seasons that I love. Enjoy the days! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Men and Women are NOT Equal

I know I got your attention with that statement!

Men and Women are not equal just as apples and oranges are not equal.  The two can't be compared, they are just too different.  Neither one is better than the other but they're not equal to one another either. Why is it that men are confident being men and yet most women are not confident in their womanhood.  Women shouldn't want to be like men in order to feel confident in themselves.  We should be proud that our Heavenly Father made us women.  He made us different than men and that's okay, that's the way He meant it to be

Feminism was created by Satan to cause women to forget that God made us for a purpose.  Our Heavenly Father fashioned us different from men for a reason.  We are the counterpart to men, we complete them.  Our strengths make up for their weaknesses just as their strengths make up for our weaknesses.  Men and women are like puzzle pieces, they look different but they go together to make one big picture.  That is what marriage is, a man and woman coming together to form one unit, just as the Scriptures say in Mark 10, "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.  For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh."

Women should be celebrating Womanhood, not trying to hide it or turn it into something else.  I'm glad that the world has apples AND oranges.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Chickens Get Their Nesting Box

The chicken coop isn't finished yet but our Orpingtons have started to lay eggs so I put the nesting box that my husband made into the stall where the chickens are temporarily.
Isn't that a fantastic nesting box!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Bat Rescues

This little baby bat slipped through a tiny crack in our attic access panel and was found at the base of our stairs.  In the picture, the bat is clinging to my thumb, that's how small it is.  I picked it up very carefully with thick leather gloves (don't try this at home!).  I put the little guy into a shoe box while I got a ladder and opened the panel.  Let me just tell you, it is NASTY up there!  There is spray insulation with spider webs, bugs, piles of guano and at least two dozen bats.  I found a couple babies huddled together near the opening so I got the baby out of the box and placed it with the other two.  I made sure to replace the panel so that there were no cracks for them to slip out.

This is a full grown bat that was at the base of a tree one morning.  I put the thick leather gloves on again and picked it up.  I examined it to make sure it wasn't injured and then placed it as high up the trunk of the tree as I could reach.  It hung out there all day and then the next day it was gone.  I'm hoping that it flew off in the night and went back home (into my attic, lol). 

We plan to close up the attic this Fall when all of the baby bats are able to fly.  The proper way to do it, I've heard, is to wait until evening, when they have all flown out and then seal up any areas where they are getting in.  I really don't like going up the tiny hole into the scary attic but it will have to be done so my husband and I will do it.  I'm sure that'll be in a blog!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Copper Helps Build a Rabbit Hutch

My Dad and I were building a rabbit hutch when my buckling, Copper, decided to test it out.  I figure, if it's strong enough for a 45 pound goat, then it'll work for our Holland Lop! LOL

Peep Peep's First Swim

For Peep Peep's story, click here.

Peep Peep Doesn't Like Water!

For Peep Peep's story, click here.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Baby Duck Rescue

These are the mother ducks sitting on their nest.  Only 6 of the eggs hatched and they left the rest of them to take the hatchlings to the water.  The eggs were cold when we checked the nest.

We did, however, find this egg with a small hole in it and when I checked it the chick inside was still alive.  For a video of the duckling in the egg click here.

I gave the egg to my daughter to keep warm and we watched the baby duckling emerge.

Here's the duckling right after he came out of the egg.  We dried him off and let him stretch himself out.  In this picture he's still egg-shaped.

He had a rough start to life, abandoned by his mother, difficulty getting out of his shell and then he had splayed legs (where his legs went out to the side and he couldn't stand up). For a video of the baby duckling after his first night click here.

After a few weeks under the heat lamp and daily sessions of physical therapy in a little pool the duckling is as good as new.  He doesn't recognize his family so he will be staying with us as he continues to grow and get stronger every day.  My daughter has adopted him and called him Peep Peep.  
For a video of our Peep Peep following his 'Momma', my daughter, click here.
For a video of Peep Peep's first time in water, click here.
For a video of Peep Peep's first swim, click here.

Baby Duck Following 'Momma'

For Peep Peep's Story, click here.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Are You a Christian...

Are you a Christian or do you just go to Church?

So I'm sure I got your attention with that question!  I probably even offended some of you.  I'm impressed that you kept reading.  Of course, I'm not saying going to church is wrong.  What I'm saying is that 'just' going to church is wrong.

Being a true Christian is a way of life.  It's not an hour or two on Sunday, it's the way you live every minute of every day.  True Christians give others the benefit of the doubt.  They are always looking for service opportunities.  They're striking up conversations with random people in the checkout line just so that they can possibly share the Gospel.  There's a prayer in their hearts at all times.  When something good happens they automatically thank God.  When they're in trouble they ask for His help first.  They're constantly listening for the voice of the Holy Ghost.  They're always wondering if they're on the path to Heaven.  They often ask themselves 'what would Jesus do' and then they do it.  Their Scriptures are close by and they read them often.  The Scriptures are the Word of God after all, and a true Christian heart yearns to hear from Him.  Others recognize something different in a true Christian and want whatever it is that makes them different.

So with all that said, I ask again, are you a true Christian or do you just go to church?

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Homemade Hay Holder

I made a holder for the hay because my goats were scattering it all over and for some reason they like to pee on the hay. 😝

Aside from the welded fence, I only needed some fence staples or long screws, a hammer and a small pallet.


I put the small pallet in the stall against the back wall and then tacked the fence to the wall and the pallet, cutting it when it made a full circle.  If I would have been able to find the fence stables, I would have used those but I just bent some long nails over to hold the fence.  The goats may less of a mess and not as much hay is wasted!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Talking to a Bird at the Zoo

This male bird kept answering my daughter's call, probably thought she was an opposing male, lol!

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Free range chicken fun

This is what happens when you procrastinate dumping the last wheelbarrow load and there are free-range chickens around!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Incredibles 2 and Fake News

If you only get your information from the mainstream media then you will only know what they want you to know!

We went to see The Incredibles 2 in the movie theater last night and I thought it was interesting that at the beginning they touched on this idea. Very carefully, they suggested that the mainstream media was only showing information that would give the public a negative feeling about superheroes. Then, an entrepreneur in the movie suggests that they change the Public's perception by offering the other side of the story that the news was not portraying.

The exact same thing is going on today and this is why Trump calls the news 'fake news'. Mainstream media like CNN, NBC, etc. shape the public opinion by only giving the public what they want them to see. A perfect example of this can be seen in how they are talking about illegal immigrants being separated from their children during Trump's presidency.  However, this happened during Obama's presidency also and was never mentioned by the media.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

5 Lessons Parents MUST Teach Their Children

5 Lessons Parents MUST Teach Their Children

Patience - This is probably the hardest lesson to teach in today's world.  It is made especially difficult because it is likely that the parent is lacking patience themselves.  We live in an 'instant gratification' society where we can get pretty much anything we want with very little wait.  We get irritated if the person we text or call doesn't respond within a few seconds.  We order items on the Internet and have them shipped overnight.  In this world where waiting is out of style it is good practice to help your children (and yourself) learn to wait.  A good way to start, is to make a goal chart with something the child wants at the top.  Then create parameters for reaching that goal.  For example, a toy that the child has been wanting can be the goal and earning money can be the parameters to achieve the goal.

No Means No - Too often today, I see a parent tell a child 'no' and then give in to the child when they beg, whine or throw a fit.  The only lesson this teaches a child is that if they manipulate enough they will get what they want.  This makes for spoiled teenagers who have no respect for their teachers and then defiant young adults who don't respect authority, including bosses and police.  Children need to learn early that there is a reason behind the 'no' and that 'no means no'.  Stand firm when you say 'no' and stick to it, no matter how big a fit your child throws in the grocery store.  Respect in the future is far more important than gratification now!

Want vs. Need - This is something a lot of adults don't understand.  There is a big difference between what we need, things that keep us alive and safe, and things we want, things that make us happy.  Teach your child early that paying tithing, rent or mortgage and bills such as gas and electric come first before toys and fun activities.
Children often do not learn enough about managing finances before they strike out on their own.  As a result, many young adults often make critical mistakes, getting into debt with credit cards and not paying their bills before they buy whatever catches their eye at the moment.  Think shelter, food and clothing before any other commodity and pay for those items first.  Then, if there is money left over, teach the child to save for the future and modestly treat themselves.

Self-Preservation - Teach children to protect themselves.  This has a great deal of meaning and many lessons involved.  Children need to learn how to protect themselves from bullies, strangers with bad motives, peer pressure, street safety and loads of other dangers.  Making your child aware at an early age of the dangers around them (without trying to scare them to death) is the best way to prevent
them from falling prey to these dangers.  As age and maturity appropriate, share with your children the bad things that can happen and how to react.  As the child gets older increase their knowledge of the items you have already shared.  For example, when my daughter was three years old I taught her that her body belonged to her and no one should touch her body in a way that makes her feel bad.  When she was four years old I added on to that by explaining that there are private areas of the body that are covered by our bathing suits that we do not show to anyone and that no one is allowed to touch.  When she was five years old I taught her the proper names for those areas and began to explain that boys have private areas also, that are different from girls.  Knowledge is power, the more a child knows about the dangers the more ready they will be to handle them when they arise.  Teach children about drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, sex, etc. before they learn it from their peers.  

Self-Worth - This is the most important lesson of all.  If children do not have a sense of self-worth they will not be able to learn the other lessons.  Children must know that no matter what they do, God and their family will always love them.  From an early age, when I would get upset with my daughter for something she had done she would ask if I still loved her.  Young children often believe that when they do something wrong they are no longer lovable.  Even when punishing a child, make sure they understand that you still love them and that what they did was bad, not that they are bad.  There is an important distinction between those two things that can shape the child's entire future.  Children are not bad, they sometimes make bad choices.  A child that is confident in their own worth and knows that God and their parents will always love them will be better equipped to handle the difficulties that come up when self-preservation is necessary.  They will be more likely to want to preserve themselves if they believe they are worthy of preservation.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Bunchems Review

 Bunchems! Alive!

These are fantastic and kept my child's attention for hours.  They allow for many different options for creativity! 

The instructions are easy to follow and give lots of ideas for making different shapes.  The battery powered ball is super fun for making your creations come alive.  My daughter loves how the ball stops moving and then when you bump it, it starts vibrating again.
It's durable too, the whole creation took a dive off of the kitchen table more than once and still worked just fine.

My 6 year old had a blast following the directions to make the puppy and the bird.  She says she is going to make the dragon next!

Chickens Outside - Video

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Temple Worthiness Primary Activity

My Primary class did this Temple Worthiness project.  We used two resource pages (see below) from the Church website.  One was the Temple puzzle they put together and then they colored, cut out and glued the items they could do to be worthy for the Temple.

Click here to find the Salt Lake Temple puzzle.
Click here to find the Temple worthiness page.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

New Foal Neighbor

Our Neighbor's Mare Foaled and her filly is absolutely adorable!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Rock Garden Rehab

You will not believe the before and after pictures of an overgrown rock garden on our new property!



Thanks to my Mom for tons of help and a bunch of perennials from her garden!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Chicken Genders

As our baby chicks grow up we are trying to determine male from female.  I plan to keep one friendly rooster and the rest will end up on our plates in the fall.  At least, that's the plan for now.  I was talking about the different ways to tell a rooster from a hen and guessing which was which.  My daughter matter-of-factly said, "You just don't know, until they crow!"  LOL

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Another Mother

Ever since my daughter could talk she has insisted that she once lived in California.  I would try to argue with her and tell her that she was born in North Carolina and now we live in Michigan but she was adamant that at one time she lived in California.

When she was around 3 years old she told me that I was her second Mommy.  I asked her what she meant and she said that I was not her first mommy.  She explained that her first Mommy was in California but she wasn't ready for her.  She told me that she then came to me and I became her Mommy.

Immediately, when she told me this story, I thought of abortion.  I had been struggling with a few people that are close to me having abortions and distraught at the idea of killing a baby inside his/her mother.  I wondered what happened to those babies and the spirits that are in them.  I wondered when the spirit and the body connected and whether the spirit would get another chance at a body if he/she was aborted.  My daughter's declaration immediately brought to mind my concern that I had over abortion.  It was as if Heavenly Father was answering my questions about the unborn babies and the spirits that they are connected to.  He was letting me know that even though the child is aborted the spirit has another chance to receive a body.  My daughter's first chance at a body was destroyed by a woman who decided that she wasn't ready to have a child and chose to kill that child growing inside of her.  But my daughter's spirit received a second chance to come to this earth and receive a body through me.  In a way, I guess I should thank the woman who decided not to have a child because I wouldn't have the bright and wonderful spirit that is my daughter today.  That does not mean, however, that I am pro-abortion.  It simply means that I am pro-Heavenly Father and his perfect plan for all things!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Bigger Brooder

The chicks had to move up to a bigger brooder.  Unfortunately, the coop isn't finished, otherwise, they could move outside.  The ducks are now outside and I am happy about that!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Fallen Bat

This poor little boy fell from the roof of our house.  Bats can't fly from the ground so I picked him up and placed him on his belly near a tree.  His wing looked like it was a little hurt but he had a lot of spunk.  He was spitting and growling at me and flopping all over the place.  I did manage to snap this picture of him before I let him go.  When I went back out to check on him he was gone, so either he climbed the tree or he was someone's dinner.

Disclaimer: Bats are one of the number one carriers of rabies!  Do not pick up a bat without proper protection and knowledge.  If you aren't sure, don't touch it!  I used thick knit gloves and picked up the bat in my winter hat.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Welcoming Gnome

This is my welcoming gnome.  
He is outside the barn offering water to all of the animals!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ducks in the Water

Even though I'm not crazy about the mess and the work that the ducks take, 
I just can't get over watching them play in the water!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Gypsy Vanner Baby Video

My daughter and I are riding at Serenity Gypsy Vanner Horse Farm in Ida, MI.  
This is their new little boy and his Mom Lily out in the round pen for the first time.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Rash Question

My daughter went over to a friend's house and came home with this rash.  It is only on her cheeks and neck, although she does have a few bumps on each arm and leg that look more like mosquito bites.  She said she fell in the barn but there is no rash on her hands or forearms.  No accompanying fever or other symptoms.  Any ideas?

Scary Visitor

This scary thing appeared on my daughter's wall this morning!  I thought it was a tick and squashed it.  The bug turned out to be a pseudoscorpion.  Although the thing looks like something from a horror movie and the name sounds terrible this tiny creature is harmless.  I found out they actually eat pests such as ants, mites and many types of larvae.  I guess next time I see one I'll just let it be.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Here are our New Goats

Diamond (White and Black) and Topaz (White and Tan)
Nigerian Dwarf Kids

First Blog Post

We recently moved from the city to an 1880's farmhouse on 8 acres off of a two-lane dirt road.  My daughter turned 6 at the end of Novem...