I know I got your attention with that statement!
Men and Women are not equal just as apples and oranges are not equal. The two can't be compared, they are just too different. Neither one is better than the other but they're not equal to one another either. Why is it that men are confident being men and yet most women are not confident in their womanhood. Women shouldn't want to be like men in order to feel confident in themselves. We should be proud that our Heavenly Father made us women. He made us different than men and that's okay, that's the way He meant it to be
Feminism was created by Satan to cause women to forget that God made us for a purpose. Our Heavenly Father fashioned us different from men for a reason. We are the counterpart to men, we complete them. Our strengths make up for their weaknesses just as their strengths make up for our weaknesses. Men and women are like puzzle pieces, they look different but they go together to make one big picture. That is what marriage is, a man and woman coming together to form one unit, just as the Scriptures say in Mark 10, "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh."
Women should be celebrating Womanhood, not trying to hide it or turn it into something else. I'm glad that the world has apples AND oranges.