Ever since my daughter could talk she has insisted that she once lived in California. I would try to argue with her and tell her that she was born in North Carolina and now we live in Michigan but she was adamant that at one time she lived in California.
When she was around 3 years old she told me that I was her second Mommy. I asked her what she meant and she said that I was not her first mommy. She explained that her first Mommy was in California but she wasn't ready for her. She told me that she then came to me and I became her Mommy.
Immediately, when she told me this story, I thought of abortion. I had been struggling with a few people that are close to me having abortions and distraught at the idea of killing a baby inside his/her mother. I wondered what happened to those babies and the spirits that are in them. I wondered when the spirit and the body connected and whether the spirit would get another chance at a body if he/she was aborted. My daughter's declaration immediately brought to mind my concern that I had over abortion. It was as if Heavenly Father was answering my questions about the unborn babies and the spirits that they are connected to. He was letting me know that even though the child is aborted the spirit has another chance to receive a body. My daughter's first chance at a body was destroyed by a woman who decided that she wasn't ready to have a child and chose to kill that child growing inside of her. But my daughter's spirit received a second chance to come to this earth and receive a body through me. In a way, I guess I should thank the woman who decided not to have a child because I wouldn't have the bright and wonderful spirit that is my daughter today. That does not mean, however, that I am pro-abortion. It simply means that I am pro-Heavenly Father and his perfect plan for all things!