Tuesday, October 30, 2018

America That I Know and Love

If you live in a country where you're afraid to show your support for conservative values like pro-life, freedom of religion and marriage being only between a man and a woman because you're worried you'll be attacked, then you may be in America!
That is not the America that I know and love! The America that I know and love has freedom of speech and religion llin her Constitution. America was meant to be a place where every human has rights, whether born or Unborn. America was designed so that every citizen could protect themselves and their families. America's laws were founded on freedom, Liberty and the right not to be in fear for our lives!

There are certain people in the Democratic and liberal parties that are acting more like terrorists against us conservatives and Republicans. They are trying to silence the conservative voice  by using mob tactics and fear techniques. They are using the media to lie to the General Public.

When a man can't walk into a restaurant with a "Make America Great" hat on without being attacked or a woman can't put a Trump sign in her yard without it being destroyed and her life threatened then we have surely lost the America that was meant to be! And unfortunately there are countless examples of this kind of behavior that mainstream media is not reporting. When only one party is playing by the rules American citizens lose!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


I'm not even sure what to say about this. I'll let you make your own commentaries... 

First Blog Post

We recently moved from the city to an 1880's farmhouse on 8 acres off of a two-lane dirt road.  My daughter turned 6 at the end of Novem...